Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre
Prayer Timings
FAJR 05:40
DHUHR 12:39
ASR 03:52
ISHA 07:33

Mosque Location :*
موقع الجامع :*
Purpose of scheduling the visit at this particular time: Transit stopover, inability to visit in the morning, etc.*
سبب وقت الزيارة:مسافر عابر ، عدم التمكن من الزيارة خلال ساعات العمل الرسمية*

Phone No:*
رقم الهاتف:*
الجنسية *
البريد الالكتروني:*
Date of visit:*
تاريخ الزيارة:*
Time of the tour:*
موعد الجولة: *
Number of visitors:*
عدد الملتحقين:*
Total Payment (Please note that the amount paid is non-refundable):*
إجمالي الدفعة (درهم):
لغة الجولة *
Device Language                           Number of Devices
Add Language
Type the characters from the picture into the text box*
يرجى كتابة الاحرف الظاهرة في الصورة داخل المربع*
Payment Accepted by Mastercard
I, the undersigned, confirm hereby that the above information is true and in conformity with the attached supporting documentsand that I bear full responsibility arising from the non-validity of any provided information. I also pledge to report any change that may take place thereof no later than thirty days from the date effecting such change. *